Tuesday, April 15, 2014

So, the weirdest things have been happening to me recently. I can't help but feel like I've gotten myself involved in something not good…

I've been having these strange feelings that someone is following me around. It seems like there is always someone lurking behind me and I can see them in my peripheral vision. I've just been getting these weird feelings like someone is watching me all the time, especially when I am in the shop. Most people come to a psychic to help them when they have these feelings, but what am I supposed to do when I feel paranoid like this?

Not to mention the phone calls. About once a day I'll get a call from an unknown number, and when I answer it, the line goes dead. If someone is trying to scare me, they're doing a really good job.

I feel like it has something to do with Blaire's disappearance. I'll have to ask if anyone else is having feelings like this. I mean, that's the only thing that makes sense. Or else it's someone from back home, but I really highly doubt that. How would they find me here? This is about the last place someone would run away to.

Got to go. I have a palm reading in a few minutes with a sweet old lady who keeps coming in to make sure that she won't outlive her cats. She asked me if they had paw readings for her cats. I told her no, but now I'm wishing I would have made something up and charged her a lot of money for it….

Just kidding! I'm not that horrible of a person. At least I don't think so, haha.

Bye for now!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Who I Am

I am very homesick, I miss my friends and family and I haven't quite found my place here yet.

I am very lucky, because I was able to quickly settle in here and start my new life.

I am a business owner, however unsuccessful my business might be.

I am learning more about my job each and every day.

I am a lover of all animals, and I've never met a stray I didn't want to take home.

I am always seeming to get myself involved with some sort of trouble, no matter where I go.

I am always up for a new challenge.

My New Commercial!

Check it out! I made this super quick commercial for the shop, hopefully this brings in a lot of new customers! I'm going to try to post it around on the web, let me know what you think!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Best News I've Had All Week!

Another slow day at work. I reeeeeaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy (seriously! emphasize this) need business to pick up or else I'm going to be run out of town because I'll be out of money. I've had a few customers this week, but not enough to keep going at this speed.

BUT! I have good news (sort of? I think it's good anyway)

So, on my way home from work I'm waiting for the subway to get back to my apartment. There's this girl standing beside me talking on her phone. Now, I'm not really trying to eavesdrop, but I was super bored and there wasn't much else going on…so I just happened to overhear. Anyway, she mentions to this person on the phone about how she works for the Times. Instantly I'm thinking, "Great! Maybe she can tell me how to advertise with them!" because I really have no clue how to get in touch with those people.

She hangs up the phone and I decide to be brave and say hi. I told her I heard about where she works, and would it be possible to get in touch with someone who does advertisements? She turned out to be sooooo nice, it's crazy. Her name is Charlotte, and not only did she help me out, she gave me her number so we could talk later. We talked for a few minutes on the platform until my train came. She said she was working on this huge case, and she wants to tell me about it!

I'm so excited. I'm just hoping that she's not too "investigative"… I don't want her to find out about why I'm here before I'm sure she has zero connections to back home. Better safe than sorry!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

About That Map...

After talking to everyone for awhile about our rescue mission plan, we decided to make a map to track our movements. Being followed by the government is a serious concern, so we figured if we wrote down every place we visited, we could keep track if we thought there was any thing suspicious happening or  following us or whatever. I put my hometown on there too, just in case anyone from my past decided to come pay me a visit…but I seriously doubt that would happen. I really don't know if this is going to be very helpful to us in rescuing Blaire, but whatever.